Echoes from an Unknown World

I have been meaning to write this blog for weeks.  A multitude of thoughts and reflections were racing through my head, still I was finding it hard to put them down in coherent sentences even if writing was always a preferred medium for me to express myself.   But that was before Covid-19 took away…


The True Meaning of Health

Dedicated to the many who died for the greed of a few in Genoa. There are many of us who run away with the idea that to be healthy one needs to keep a balanced diet, exercise regularly and do regular medical checks.  Likewise we regard health as an individual commitment to ourselves.  But is…


Children in Conflict

Dr.Moira Borg   The one particular thing about children is that they are vulnerable.  Being unable to take care of themselves at such a young age, they are totally dependent on their environment for their survival and thus their wellbeing depends on its stability and healthy dynamics of relationship especially in the family setting.  Children…


Orphans within the Family

  Moira Borg For many centuries, the family has been seen to be the backbone of society.  Satir (1998) describes it as “a microcosm of the world”, while Minuchin (2009) depicts it as the “laboratory” where its members are “imprinted with selfhood” that is, “the matrix of identity.” Another central fibre in family dynamics, apart…


When Manipulation Erases Your Reality

by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist   For some reason, the word abuse is usually coined with physical violence or addictions, totally overlooking the scourge of the psychological aspect. As a result the suffering of many victims of psychological/emotional abuse is left unacknowledged, unseen and unsupported. The lack of definition that surrounds this type of…


On Being A Civil Person

  by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist   Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. Laurence Sterne   One of the basic behaviours we are taught from a very young age is the way we behave towards others, namely social behaviour or what are commonly described as manners. The importance…


Unconscious Phenomena in Therapy

by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist   Therapy is an process whereby the client and therapist work at building a therapeutic relationship with the threefold aim of creating a new experience in relationships different to the possible dysfunctional ones the client would have been used to, providing support to painful issues and situations at hand…


The Legacy We Leave Behind

by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist   In the wake of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination, the crass divide and polarity in the public’s opinion of her was very striking – at times one would have been safe to doubt if people were talking about the same person at all. Perhaps this comes to…


On Being an Adolescent

by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist   Looking back, most of us would fervently insist that our adolescence was the best time of our lives, a time where our joints did not protest at every move, a time where we could smile and not have the skin of our face crack like dry mud, a…


The Many Faces of Truth

by Dr.Moira Borg MD Gestalt Psychotherapist     You want answers? The Truth? You can’t handle the truth – Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men   We are expected to say the truth, and nothing else, as soon as we can assimilate two thoughts into a concept. Failure to do so has been known to…


The Power to Decide

Much as we would like to, we cannot control everything that happens in our life and this is one of the issues that give us most of the instability and fear we experience. While reckoning that some happenings are beyond our control, others are within our responsibility and choice even though we might not be…
